Hello, friend, and welcome to Solace Weyr, the dead-as-shit Dragonriders of Pern site which was recently liberated from invisible-thread hell. Nobody roleplays here any more, but this place is still pretty great. Feel free to stay a while and admire its quiet beauty.
Okay, guys, here's the deal. My dad had a double-bypass earlier today, and I'm flying up to Nashville in the morning to visit with him for a while and help my stepmom and my sister take care of him for a bit. Now, while I am taking my little laptop with me, I might not necessarily have internet access during this time. If I stay with my stepmom, I will, but my sister doesn't have internet at her apartment, so I won't be able to get online if I'm staying with her. Those of you that have my number are free to text me, it'll be a nice break from the chaos lol
I'm not entirely sure when I'll be gone, since it depends on how long my stepmom will need my help. It may be a week, it may be two or even three, I'm not sure at this point. I'll keep everyone I can updated, so no one will be left in the dark. I love you all, and I'll miss you terribly!